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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 30
Затраченные 2 года на создание анимационного фильма Мир Варкрафта-WoW оправданы! После полутора лет стараний датчане представили свой фильм о World of Warcraft, который игровая общественность тут же нарекла лучшим из лучших. В кратком ревью произведения автор некоего блога с трудом сдерживает эмоции воздавая хвалу работе Мартина Фальша и повторяя отзывы других зрителей: "Бросьте всё, что вы делаете, и садитесь смотреть! У меня нет слов, чтобы описать это. Я сомневаюсь, что официальное видео по WoW будет лучше. Если бы его крутили в кинотеатрах, я бы заплатил за билет!" Данный анимационный фильм заслужил во всех странах без исключения в первые дни просмотра самые высокие оценки. Сюжетная линия захватывает Вас и не отпускает до самого конца фильма.
Затраченные 2 года на создание анимационного фильма Мир Варкрафта-WoW о ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Приключения | Просмотров: 573 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


A really cool 3D FPS in a base of aliens
First a hologram of an alien appears and ask you to rescue him. After you do that he will follow you as a lap dog and he will fight with you against the hostile aliens...
There are lots of weapons, munition and medi-pacs to find.
There is even a "Practice mode" in the game wherein you can do some shooting practice.
The graphics and sounds are very good, the controls and gameplay are great. It's one of the best free First Person Shooters I ever played.
Except, the end is a little poor...
W,A,S,D = move
mouse = aim
left mouse = fire
right mouse = zoom
R = reload (not really necessary)
1,2,3,4,... select weapons
Esc = back to menu
use the left / right arrows to see the options "New game, Practice, Save, Load, Exit, Credits"
Enter = sel ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 648 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Produced for Warner Bros.Pictures. Let the Squashing Begin promotes the Summer 2002 feature film Eight Legged Freaks by bringing the heart pounding terror of giant spiders to a 3D first person shooter. An array of weapons and challenges draw the player into the game. Produced for Warner Bros.Pictures. Let the Squashing Begin promotes the Summer 2002 feature film Eight Legged Freaks by bringing the heart pounding terror of giant spiders to a 3D first person shooter. An array of weapons and challenges draw the player into the game. Produced for Warner Bros.Pictures. Let the Squashing Begin promotes the Summer 2002 feature film Eight Legged Freaks by bringing the heart pounding terror of giant spiders to a 3D first person shooter. An array of weapons and challenges draw the player into the game. Produced for Warner Bros.Pictures. Let the Squashing Begin promotes the Summer 2002 feature film ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 644 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


A nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 players A nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 players A nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for 1 or 2 playersA nice 3D fighting game for ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 636 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


ShadowFlare is an outstanding role-playing/action game for a single player or network play (up to 4 players).
The scenario for this game takes places in the middle ages where witchcraft was common and the landscape was dotted with castles. In single player mode, when you start the game your mission will be to "Defeat the Red Goblin." There are of course other smaller, shorter goals to be acheived before this final goal can be accomplished. You start out the game as a male or female mercenary, but as the game progresses you might be able to change your occupation to that of a warrior, wizard/witch or even a hunter. Throughout the game there are hundreds of items to find and collect, some of which can restore your health and some which can kill the enemy. There is lots of gold to be found and items ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 635 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Tato výborná gamesa není jen strategie, je to i akčí hra. Společná kombinace obou žánrů vytváří něco velmi zajímavého...
Hra se odehrává v období americké občanské války, jak již název napovídá. Na výběr máte ze čtyř kampaní, rozdíly nejsou ale nijak zásadní. Cílem, ostatně jako u většiny her, je vyhrát. prostředkem k tomu máte tři druhy jednotek. Pěchotu, kavalérii a dělostřelectvo. Nejmocnější a nejhrozivější je dělostřelectvo, ale záleží na vaší taktice a strategii jak boj dopadne. Ale nebudeme předbíhat. Z centrální mapy se při boji přepne hra do akčího módu, kde můžete tedy bojovat. Nejedná se ovšem o nic primitivního, tahového. Naopak, hrajete v reálném čase. Bojiště je proměnlivé stejně jako počasí takže jednou bojujete na březích řeky o most, jindy na suchých pláních...
Ale zpět, všechny boje samozřejmě vyhráváte. Na ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 581 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

iaľ, k tejto hre zatiaľ nebola napísaná žiadna recenzia. Pokiaľ sa chcete aj vy podieľať na týchto stránkach, môžete mi pomôcť napríklad napísaním recenzie k tejto hre. Recenziu napíšte do Diskusného fóra do sekcie recenzie aj spolu s informáciami, ktoré chcete uverejniť. 
iaľ, k tejto hre zatiaľ nebola napísaná žiadna recenzia. Pokiaľ sa chcete aj vy podieľať na týchto stránkach, môžete mi pomôcť napríklad napísaním recenzie k tejto hre. Recenziu napíšte do Diskusného fóra do sekcie recenzie aj spolu s informáciami, ktoré chcete uverejniť. 
iaľ, k tejto hre zatiaľ nebola napísaná žiadna recenzia. Pokiaľ sa chcete aj vy podieľať na týchto stránkach, môžete mi pomôcť napríklad napísaním recenzie k tejto hre. Recenziu napíšte do Diskusného fóra do sekcie recenzie aj spolu s informáciami, ktoré chcete uverejniť.  ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 646 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
6417 kB
Bullfrog Prod.
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BOG hodnotenie:
Žiaľ, k tejto hre zatiaľ nebola napísaná žiadna recenzia. Pokiaľ sa chcete aj vy podieľať na týchto stránkach, môžete mi pomôcť napríklad napísaním recenzie k tejto hre. Recenziu n ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 602 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
3449 kB
Rok vydania:
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BOG hodnotenie:
K tejto hre mi prišli približne v rovnakom čase recenzie od 2 autorov, preto pre korektnosť uvádzam obe: K tejto hre mi prišli približne v rovnakom čase recenzie od 2 auto ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 601 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
5327 kB
Blizzard Ent.
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BOG hodnotenie:
Warcraft je nostalgiou sám o sebe pretože to bola druhá Realtime - Stratégia (prvá bola Dune2), a PRVÁ real- stratégia odohrávajúca sa v dobách temného stredovek ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 593 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Make your fortune in this excellent 3d adventure

Every once and a while a game comes along that has style and great gameplay, well this is one of them. Lost Dutchmans Mine 3D is an excellent 3D adventure that involves you as an old timer trying to make his riches in the old wild west. Your adventure starts around Superstition Mountains of Arizona where you will have to survive thirst, hunger, rattlers, bandits and Indians to make your fortune. You can get rich by panning for gold, finding mines, or gambling Faro in the saloon bar, you can even have a drink to refresh you thirst. To help you along the way to find the Lost Dutchmans Mine you must collect 4 map stones. There is alot to this game than meets the eye as you have to keep your health up while making money but beware of the bandits and ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 530 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

In Worms Wars 3, you command an army of worms and battle against Ants, deadly Grasshoppers, and Snails.

Your army has a nice selection of weapons including: Pistol, MP5 SMG (uzi), Flame-Thrower, Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Cannon, and Minigun. The game is quite easy to learn and play as you only need to use your mouse and the 1-9 number keys to change weapons.  Your army has a nice selection of weapons including: Pistol, MP5 SMG (uzi), Flame-Thrower, Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Cannon, and Minigun. The game is quite easy to learn and play as you only need to use your mouse and the 1-9 number keys to change weapons. Your army has a nice selection of weapons including: Pistol, MP5 SMG (uzi), Flame-Thrower, Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Cannon, and Minigun. The game is quite easy to learn and play as you only n ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 779 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 607 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The highly successful Pokémon Stadium was less of a stand-alone game and more of a graphical expansion pack made to accompany the best-selling Game Boy Color Pokémon games. The premise was simple: Raise your Pokémon on the handheld and send them into battle in full color 3D against friends or the CPU on your N64. The game certainly had nowhere near the amount of depth available on the Game Boy but made the perfect companion piece for the Pokémon enthusiast who needed everything. This year’s Pokémon Stadium 2, appropriately housed in a gold and silver cartridge, improves upon the original’s formula in nearly every category, although its status as a quality stand-alone game is still questionable.

From the moment you first press start, you are bombarded with options and play modes. Battle now! initiates a quick battle with a random set of Pok&eacut ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 641 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
14627 kB
Blizzard Ent.
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BOG hodnotenie:
e to už celkom dávno, co sme privítali jednu z prvých a najlepších realtimových stratégií - Warcraft je dnes už skutočným pojmom. V roku 1996 vyšlo pokračovanie, ktoré ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 571 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
2676 kB
Rok vydania:
Počet stiahnutí:
BOG hodnotenie:
Žiaľ, k tejto hre zatiaľ nebola napísaná žiadna recenzia. Pokiaľ sa chcete aj vy podieľať na týchto stránkach, môžete mi pomôcť napríklad napísaním recenzie k tejto hre. Recenziu napíšte do Diskus ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 691 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

A really nice Japanese 3D dogflightsimulator
This game has three missions. (ground and areal attacks) A really nice Japanese 3D dogflightsimulator
This game has three missions. (ground and areal attacks)A really nice Japanese 3D dogflightsimulator
This game has three missions. (ground and areal attacks)A really nice Japanese 3D dogflightsimulator
This game has three missions. (ground and areal attacks)A really nice Japanese 3D dogflightsimulator
This game has three missions. (ground and areal attacks)

Controls: keyboard or joystick
the keys cannot be changed
arrow left / right: roll the body to the left / right
arrow up / down: raise or lower the nose of your plane
A / Z = accelerate / lower speed
Space bar = fire
M = lauch missile
Q / W = area map on/off
F1 = Standard view (the body is displayed and a camera is fixed)< ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 538 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Commanders: Attack! is a turn-based tactical game with a combination of strategic troop placement and entertaining head-to-head warfare. Featuring a 1930’s art deco look and feel, players use missile launchers, bombers and infantry to amputate the enemies’ defenses and conquer the land. Players can choose to challenge the computer AI in a 15-mission campaign across three different landscapes or battle against three friends either locally or online in four intense multiplayer modes - Versus, Team Play, Player vs. CPU or same-system Skirmish. Attack! is a turn-based tactical game with a combination of strategic troop placement and entertaining head-to-head warfare. Featuring a 1930’s art deco look and feel, players use missile launchers, bombers and infantry to amputate the enemies’ defenses and conquer the land. Players can choose to challenge the computer AI in a 15-mi ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 603 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Summary:  The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.

The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios. 
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios. The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The demo comes with two fully playable scenarios.
The dem ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 649 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Typ hry:
4706 kB
MicroProse Soft., Inc.
Rok vydania:
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Dejavu. Takto by som charakterizoval toto druhé pokračovanie legendárnej ťahovej stratégie Ufo E.U. Tento diel je nachlp rovnaký ako jeho predchodca až mám ni ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 574 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


The fate of humankind now rests in your hands

Your submarine is destroyed by an unidentified vessel and you have to save the humankind from the aliens.

You are a Navy Seal currently serving aboard the USS Volarus when your submarine is destroyed by an unidentified vessel.

A Russian nuclear warship seems the most likely possibility. You escape the final blast and wash up on a tropical island. The situation, as you find out, is a much more grim that you originally anticipated.  A Russian nuclear warship seems the most likely possibility. You escape the final blast and wash up on a tropical island. The situation, as you find out, is a much more grim that you o ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 590 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Summary: Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans.

Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans.  Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans.  Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans .  Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans. Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans. Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans . Dead Wake is a survival zombie game for PC which brings barricades, blood, and weapons to zombie fans. Dead Wake is ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 567 | Добавил: wollfs | Дата: 30.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

«  Январь 2010  »
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