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Главная » 2009 » Март » 9 » World War III - Black Gold
World War III - Black Gold
Most fighting games have buffers. Buffers for everything. Everywhere. Sort of. They're useful in certain situations to make the game feel smoother, or to add an actual strategic element to the gameplay. v2.9 of SDA doesn't have enough of them, but Demo 3 will have more, and better buffers. What a buffer basically does, is it gives the players a chance to "store" some inputs while doing other things, and these inputs are then used later. Sort of... they can also simply store that information for a set period of time and free it, meaning you still have timers and things on special moves. Which is what I've done in the new demo during times like hit stun and block stun. Before, special move inputs could not be done at all during these times. But with a buffer, you can now start your special move during your hit frames. Yay smooth gameplay.

Half Circle Motions... were all messed up. I don't even know how to describe them in v2.9, except that they needed some fixing and some short cuts could be found to lessen the length of the actual motion (to less than a half circle). Well now they are true half circle motions. This is a good thing for Aroon, who relies on half circle motions for his Forward Knee... and his Super.

Super moves are one of the newest additions to a character's arsenal in Demo 3 and they should end up being really fun to play with. A super meter has been in the game for a long time and has been reserved only for EX moves, up until now.

Guard Damage used to run on a universal system, where certain types of attacks would cause a certain amount of damage to the Guard meter. After some discussion, these values are no longer universal types and each attack has its own Guard Damage value.

Normal moves no longer build super meter on whiff (on use of the move, though whiff usually refers to the use of a move that does not connect), but build extra Super on hit to compensate. Special moves now build more Super on use than they did before, but build less when they connect (a trade off that might sound simple at first but some thought did go into this). Throws no longer build meter (as they shouldn't). Dash Attacks build meter on hit, but do not build meter on whiff (when used). Getting hit gives 1 more Super to the defender than before, and blocking a hit now gives Super (half of the Super received when getting hit). And also, loss of Super from Counter Hit has been increased. Lots of crazy super shifts and adjustments that make for slightly better gameplay.
part 1
part 2
Категория: Игры PC | Просмотров: 638 | Добавил: wollfs | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 5
5 -VLADIMIR-   (09.03.2009 15:56) [Материал]
У кого технические проблемы с игрой советую почитать вот этот

4 AsAkUrA   (09.03.2009 15:56) [Материал]
А почему в нике скобки нельзя поставить?

3 DelaNo   (09.03.2009 15:55) [Материал]
Потому что в игре есть еще функция "Клан-тег", там и присутствуют специальные скобки.
Что бы не путались.

2 dRiPs   (09.03.2009 15:55) [Материал]
это же онлайновый акк. Он находится у них на серве, тоесть у юзера файлов на гг нет. Это сделано чтоб люди после выхода полной версии не играли нахаляву в бету

А почему в нике скобки нельзя поставить?

1 DelaNo   (09.03.2009 15:54) [Материал]
В бета-версии ник сменить нельзя вообще, не теряя ранг и прочих достижений?

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«  Март 2009  »
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